Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pay Per Click vs. Search Engine Optimization

I see different articles all the time saying SEO is better then 5 mins later I hear experts say Pay Per Click is the best.  In the end it's the clients decision and the first decision a small business owner must make is how quickly are they looking for a return on their investment.

Pay Per Click- is a quick turn product you can start a campaign today and be on the first page of Google, Yahoo & Bing in 24 hours.  The good thing is you only have to pay when the potential customer clicks on your ad. Your ad could have 500 impressions in one day and it cost you nothing until someone clicks on your ad.

SEO-is a slower product that could take about 5 months or so to get on the first page of the big three search engines.  Now if your a seasonal business like landscaping you don't have that long to wait for customer's to click on your organic listing.  The advantage of SEO is no per click fee's but you pay a monthly flat rate for a few months before you really start to reap the benefits.

So as a small business owner do you need to bring in revenue NOW or can you wait a few months? My bet is a combination of both with PPC now and down the road switching to a full SEO program
