Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Having a Non-Mobile Optimized Website....Does hurt your business

How many times do you grab your Smart phone or Tablet to look up something only to have Pinch or Squeeze or Stretch to read their website.  Very frustrating if your like most consumers you hit the back button and choose a different company website or completely change your search criteria.

Companies have to learn that consumers will always take the least path of resistance, it's just human nature.

If consumer's can not read your site they will not buy from you let alone even give you a call.

59% of SMB's websites are not mobile friendly and actually when you talk about Ipads 87% of those sites are not Ipad friendly.

Google announced last year that if your site is not mobile optimized your Google rankings will drop.

When a consumer uses a mobile device to look for a local service they will call that company within the hour 56% of the time.  Just think how much business your giving to your competition.

If you want to survive in today's world wide web, you have to go Mobile!!!!!


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